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Yesterday I took a trip with my class to go and see a ted talk live. I have never been to a ted talk before, so it was pretty cool experience. My friends and I had a really good time together. I got to meet some new people from other schools, which was really nice. I had such a great day and a great experience.

So there were two speakers that really spoke to me, Syd Vanderpool and Richard McLean. Syd really spoke to me because he went after something that he wanted to do, and that was to become a boxer. He never gave up on anything, he always kept trying. He was not the type of person to give up on something. No matter how hard something was, he tried even hard to succeed in what it was.

Richard McLean was another great speaker. He grew up with a really hard home life. His mother died when he was young, and he had a very abusive alcoholic father. He was in a foster home for a good chunk of his childhood, and he was homeless for chunk of his adulthood. Towards the end of his talk he said that he finally got a job, and was off the street.

Giving or receiving? Which do you guys like better? Do you like
receiving things from other people? Do you like giving things to other people? Do you like them both equally?

I would have to say that I really like receiving things from people, but at the same time I like giving. I guess you can see that I am a in the middle kind of girl. I feel really guilty when I don't give back to other people. It's a lot like Christmas, you give and you receive. It makes you feel good about yourself.

I would like to point out that everything I receive, I love. Whenever I receive something, I know that that person was thinking of me. I also like to give because I know that the person knows that I was thinking of them. It's is one of the best feelings to give someone something, just by  looking at the smile on their face. In general I like to make people


_ Don’t you guys love going to baby showers? I know I do. I love seeing the new baby for the first time ever. I love seeing the family crowded around that baby wanting to get cuddles. I just really like playing those baby shower games.

So this coming weekend I am going to a baby shower for a cousin of mine. They are having a baby girl and they are planning to name her Alba. I can’t wait to see my family that I haven’t seen in a long time.  I can’t wait to play the baby shower games. My favorite game has to be when you guess which chocolate bar is in the diaper.

So what’s your favorite thing to do at baby showers? Seeing the baby? Playing the games? Having a little lunch? Seeing your family?


 There are so many place’s that I would like to go and visit around the world. I believe that the one place I would like to go and visit is Scotland. I would like to see the amazing castles that they have that are thousands of years old. I want to see the different types of food that they like eat. I want to see the massive gardens with the beautiful flowers they have.

I would really want to go because a lot of family is down there. I want to see life styles. I want to meet family that I have never met before. I would like to know how much family I have there. I want to see different the different things in different countries.

I want to hear the sounds of the Scottish accents. I want to smell the different types of tea and the yummy desserts baking. I want to see the beautiful things Mother Nature has to offer. I want to feel the different types of weather, is it hot or is it cold? How different is Scotland from Canada?

Don't you guys love spring break? I know that I do! You get to look forward to the nice spring! I have to say that spring isn't my most favorite season in the world, because it usually rains a lot. But I still like it because that means that you are really close to summer time!

I have to say that when it comes to spring, my most favorite thing is when you see the cute little animals come out from the cold winter. I love it because the flowers will start to grow, but more so closer to the middle/end of spring. I love spring break because it's where I get to sleep in, and you don't need to get up for school the next day. You get to hang out with friends, instead of going home every day to do the homework.

So what are you favorite things about spring break? Is it because of the nice weather we will start to get? Sleeping in? Hang out with friends? Seeing those cute little animals? What are you looking forward to most about spring break?

Are you guys excitied?

Have you ever had a smelling dog? I know that I do! I have one almost every few months. It really is a gross thing to smell. You really never know with dogs, they can be rolling around in almost anything that smells bad.

Dogs especially like it when it's something dead that they find to roll around in. I know that my dog has rolled around in many things. The worst thing that has ever happened to my dog is that she got sprayed by a skunk. The smell didn’t come out for days. I really hated it when she jumped up on me to snuggle, because all you can smell is that skunk scent.  

So yesterday I decided that I was going to give her a bath, because she smelt really bad. There is one thing that you should know about my dog, and that is that she is NOT a water dog! So she hates getting in the water. So while I am bathing her you are getting soaked from the water and she is trying to jump out of the bath tub. That joy about having a dog.
Something that I didn't know is that it is legal for a teacher to hit a student. This really did shock me when I found out. I knew that that was allowed in the past, but I didn't think that it was still legal. However, if a teacher hits a student they can lose their job according to the school board law. It is frowned upon.
Don't you guys love the feeling of when you win at something? I love that feeling. I even love it when someone else I care about wins at something. Winning just makes me smile. It makes be confident in myself.

Just yesterday I went to my brothers boxing matches. I was so excited because it was his first match where you win a trophy or a medal. I was so nervous for him, along with my mom. It was pretty cool to see how big a boxing match can get. Than the boxing ring lights came on, it was time for him to box.

After the first few fights, it was time for his. As I was sitting with my mom shaking because of my nerves, his name was called by the announcer. As he was making his way over to the ring he seemed really excited. As he was boxing in the ring he looked like he was doing really well. Than his fight was over, it was time for the announcer to tell us who the winner was, it was my brother!   

Do you think that it is a good idea to have rights and freedoms in Canada? To me I think that it is a really good idea. It’s good that we have different opportunities and a say in what we can do and a say in what we don’t want to happen.  Would you change any rights and freedoms of Canada of you could? To me I think that we have it really good, I am not sure if I would change anything.

If you look at other countries they don’t have as many rights as we do. Like China they only have a one child limit. There are many more countries with different rights and freedoms and they are a lot stricter.  If you look back at us we can have many kids. We have a lot of say in what we do.  

Today I had a discussion about what would you do if Canadian right were being taken away. What would you give away first? So I had a list of things that I numbered what I would give away first and what I would give away last. So the first thing that I would give away is the right to criticize the government, to me that would probably the least of my worries. The most things that would worry me would be the right to human rights, that’s something I would try to hold on to the longest.

 Have you guys ever stopped to think about how are earths is doing? Well I never did, until today. Today I watched two videos called "the earth is full" and "Pacific waste". To be honest I never really thought much about it. Until now, now I think that we need to have a change.

While watching these videos I really thought about what earth’s future will be like. What will it be like for our children? What will it be like for animals? Will we have enough resources in the future? At this pace what will our earth look like in 10, 20, and 30 years from now?

I think that we need to have a change. I think our change should start NOW. Just looking at the pollution we created sickens me. Look what the water animals, a lot of them are starting to die. If we continue to live like this we will be living in our own filth.