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So tomorrow is the first day of May! I am so excited for it; I am tired of this rainy April weather, as you can tell from my April showers blog! I can't wait till we have our nice summer weather. I am happy that we only have two more months of school left! It's kind of hard to believe that we start are senior years in the fall!

I can't believe that we are so close to finishing high school, it is actually scaring me. I really hope that I can pursue a career in either acting or in baking. I hope that I get lucky and land either of those jobs, the problem with that is I don't really have anyone that can help me get in the direction. I hope that one day something will happen and I can get a good job that I love to do right to retirement. I am praying!

So are you happy to be getting out of the horrible weather? Are you excited for the summer? Are you nervous about graduation? Do you know what you want to do for a career? Do you think the career that you chose will be something you do for the rest of your life?  

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